Saturday, June 28, 2008

After Dark: Strippers and Dwayne Wade Sex

The after dark portion of this blog continues this week with a couple of ridiculous items. First, to the right, is a picture of Dwayne Wade on a box of Sueper Sex Pills. I have no clue where this box is from (obviously Asia somewhere) but I'm pretty sure no matter where you are, Sueper is not the right spelling. Furthermore, there's no way Dwayne Wade allowed himself to be on this box. This pic came from the outstanding basketball blog Basketbawful they said that this pic of Wade came from the front of NBA Live '06 so I guess it's spelling and legal fail on part of the Sueper Sex pills.

Next, is a video of a webcam stripper fail from the always good Fail Blog. It's moderately NSFW (no nudity, but she's scantly clad) but worth the watch. Trust me.

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