Monday, March 31, 2008

Over The Hills

No new SNL again this week (how do they have a "return" episode and then follow it up with 2 off weeks?). It was the Ellen page episode again, so at least it had the funny Milkshake skit.

In any case, last week in the Skeet Thrower Draft I picked LC. I thought this was a great pick, but some people didn't even know who she was. I would show you some clips, but MTV shows are a bitch to embed. Fortunately for us, has recreated scenes from "The Hills" with old people and called it "Over The Hills." If you have ever watched any version of "The Hills" or "Laguna Beach," I think you'll enjoy these. If you haven't, then you'll quickly learn why I hate LC.

Here's another clip from a discussion that I assume happened after the previous clip (I have no clue because I don't watch the show). I would include links to more, but the player includes them right at the bottom of the video for me.

Have a good week.

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