Sunday, May 27, 2007

Week In Recap: Under the Radar

Apparently in the mess of TV that ended last week, Dancing with the Stars ended. I have no clue since I haven't followed DWTS since Shandi was voted off. Anyway, apparently Apollo Anton Ohno (there is nothing funny in that video except for his shirt that says "The Real Thing") won the thing. This is not important. What is important? His partner, Julianne Hough, is smoking hot. I have heard no leass than 4 girls say that they would "eat her box." That is impressive my friends.

Wanna see her? Of course you do.

My goodness - I forgot that Salt N' Peper sang Push It. That stripper pole grind dance by Julianne was pretty impressive. You know what else is impressive? The amount of clothing (or lack thereof) that she is wearing in this clip.

Julianne is flying under the radar because not a lot of dudes watched DWTS. I hope she doesn't just walk away from this show and disappear into thin air...

On to the recap:

On Monday, 24 ended and I discussed my plans to pick up Sopranos (spoiler alert).

I discussed the glory of 80's music on Wednesday.

Friday's post was written just so I could show you a clip where someone says "Double Penetration"

Also, as a follow up to last week", formatting has been rolled back. There will now be three link types: Normal, Must See and Internal. I may include a craptastic link style every now and then, but only for the most ridiculous links. To be fair, that last link wasn't craptasitc, but Curt Schilling called his outing craptastic and I thought that was funny.

Have a good week.

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